Frankfurt City Information
Read on to understand Frankfurt's geography and learn where the hostels are located.
City Layout
Frankfurt's central area is the kitchy and tourist-brimming Römerberg Square, located just north of Main River and just east of the Hauptwache. A few blocks north of here you'll hit Zeil, a department store mecca that runs east to west from Opernplatz to Konstablerwache.
Stay away from Frankfurt's western-most and most-definitely sleazy train-station area along the Kaiserplatz, and instead head northwest, from Römerberg Square, to Bockenheim where you'll find a university scene, complete with students, stores, and cafés. Head to the southern bank of the Main, Sachenhausen, if pub-hopping and museum-going is what you're after.
Hostel Overview
Frankfurt's official HI hostel is popular with the student-crowd and conveniently located in the museum district. At a reasonable €15 a night (under 27) this is hardly going to break the bank! Otherwise, Frankfurt is more of a budget hotel kind of place, so make sure you book ahead.