Oslo City Information
Before you arrive in Oslo, it helps to understand where things are. The central station, for example, is not so central.
City Layout
Oslo's central train station (Oslo Sentralstasjon, or 'Oslo S') is, well, not exactly central. In fact, it's at the eastern end of Oslo. Head west on the main street, Karl Johans gate, and you'll walk right through the heart of Oslo to the Royal Palace and Radhus (City Hall), located between Karl Johans gate and the harbor. Head towards the waterfront, south of Karl Johans gate, and you'll find yourself in the buzz. The lively harborfront and Akershus Fortress, along with a majority of Oslo's hotels and pensions, are all within a fifteen-minute walk from Karl Johans gate.
Hostel Overview
Despite being Norway's biggest and most famous city, Oslo has only two official hostels, so book in advance. Considerably cheaper than hotel beds and centrally located in the hip part of town, the hostels are better for those hunting the hip night-club scene. But if you're looking to escape the bustle, a quieter Norway is just a hop, skip, and a northern jump away. The glorious northern countryside view makes up for the lack of crazy partying. But beware: occasional lockouts could mean being part of this beautiful (though at night, chilly) scenery!