Youthhostel Boenigen IYHA
Editor's Pick
Hotel Address
Aareweg 21
Interlaken, Switzerland
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The Basics: Youthhostel Boenigen IYHA
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With 153 beds, the Youthhostel Boenigen IYHA can accommodate you and your entourage in Interlaken. Although outside of the central city, the IYHA is surrounded by some of Switzerland's beautiful natural elements, and the hostel's large lawn is the perfect spot for you to kick back and take it all in. There is a lake close by, which you can get to by foot or bike (bike rental available). The IYHA also has a restaurant, internet access, lockers, luggage storage, BBQ pit, and key card access. Child friendly. No curfew.
Note: This property is recommended based on location, price and user ratings. did not charge this property to be listed.
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Hotel Address
Aareweg 21
Interlaken, Interlaken, Switzerland
more information
- Beach umbrellas and deck lounges
- Bicycle Parking
- Bike Rental Available
- Breakfast Included in Rate
- Fax Available
- Guest Kitchen
- Internet Station Available
- Luggage Storage
- Parking: Free
- Restaurant
- Storage Lockers
- Tourist information
- Wi-Fi (available)
- Wi-Fi (Free)
- Key Card Access
- Linen/Bedding Included
- Towels
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