Cheap hostels in Pombal & Saldanha, Lisbon
Neighborhood Description
The Praça Marquês de Pombal sits at the top of the bustling Avenida da Liberdade. The area is busy with traffic and retail activity, though the nearby Praça do Duque de Saldanha offers some glimpses of 19th-century architecture. This is not Lisbon at its most picturesque, but it’s hopping with locals going about their everyday lives.
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Editor's Pick | ![]() Albergo Odisseo (Old Albergo Olisipo)Travessa Larga 1, 3 esq lisboa (Pombal & Saldanha) The Basics: Albergo Odisseo (Old Albergo Olisipo) | |
Editor's Pick | ![]() Black & White Lisbon HostelRua Alexandre Herculano 39, 1º Esq. (Pombal & Saldanha) The Basics: Black & White Lisbon Hostel |
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