Backpackers Hostel Myosotis
Editor's Pick
Hotel Address
19 rue Meyerbeer
Nice, France
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The Basics: Backpackers Hostel Myosotis
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The Backpackers Hostel Myosotis is located within walking distance of Nice's beautiful beach and countless restaurants. The hostel offers free breakfast, free Internet access, and hot showers. In case you stay home from the beach, the Myosotis has a TV lounge.
Note: This property is recommended based on location, price and user ratings. did not charge this property to be listed.
Our users' reviews
"Decent hostel. It's a shame that Nice isn't all that, well, nice really."
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Hotel Address
19 rue Meyerbeer
Around Promenade des Anglais, Nice, France
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About the Backpackers Hostel Myosotis neighborhood
The Promenade des Anglais is Nice’s premiere shopping and strolling boulevard. Aside from expensive attractions, this area offers proximity to both the train station to the north and the beach to the south.
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